Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Crystal Clear

water drop on lupin :)

Its been another chilly day.  I've got my thermal vests back out along with my warm jogging bottoms and wheat sac for use in my office...

Another day of job applications, but two positives of being put forward for two contract roles, one six months the other twelve months!  

Job centre had not come back about this interview on the 1st, so I rang the free phone no today, and he's told me that they should ring me with 3 hours to confirm but I shouldn't have to miss out on an interview.  So I've accepted the interview....and if I have a problem with the job centre, hopefully that's a recorded phone call!!

And I've heard this afternoon that one of my best friends has tested positive for COVID today after feeling grotty for about 10 days.  I saw her at church the Sunday before last and haven't any ill effects I know about thankfully!

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