Oak Leaf Primulas
have started to come through in my garden. Not such a good image as last year though. I'm still struggling with this camera.
For Tiny Tuesday with thanks to JDO
More job applications - one an application form that has taken 3 hours to complete today. Once you started it, you couldn't save it and go back you had to do it all at once. I did a rough draft of the information it probably needed first and saved that, then filled out the form.
And in others news, I'm so happy that I've got an 'in person' interview after my telephone interview last Friday.
(However its on the 1st May, in White Waltham, and I am due at the Job Centre at moreorless the same time in Reading! I can't split myself in two so I've emailed the jobcentre and asked them what to do (if I can have a phone call with them then)).
Just why are things so complicated sometimes?
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