Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Early walk.

Not much sleep last night in spite of melatonin and camomilla tea before bed. At 06.00 the dogs were fed and I was out in the unseasonably cold weather down to the lighthouse although I didn't actually make it that far today.
On my walk back, I saw a large group of youngsters in assorted shapes and sizes, some draped in towels, on their walk back to their hotel. They had evidently been for a swim and must have come from very distant, northern lands if they were able to take a dip in this hostile weather. 
Grace is doing very well indeed. I have to give her soggy food four times a day and lots of meds.
I haven't done anything useful or productive today but better tired having had excercise than just lethargic all day.
A couple of evenings ago I even had a belated birthday celebration with half of my family, complete with cake, candles and two grand children.

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