Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Birthday present.

Grace is so much better today. She was able to jump into the car without help. 
The vets had difficulty taking her blood but she was very patient even though shaking in fear the whole time. The tests showed that she is improving. Although she looks very forlorn in the photo, this is only because she is very hungry and cannot understand why she is isn't being fed properly. Having her spleen removed means that she is highly susseptable to gut twisting and can only have 4 or 5 small meals instead of two bigguns. Hence she is always hungry. I'm so happy to have her back.thanks to the best vet ever.

Yesterday was my birthday.
Small deal.
I received, because I asked for it, a power bank with a solar charger and a cannolo siciliano, which was a surprise

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