Feeding our people.
After a long hard day yesterday, I started getting so sick yesterday afternoon. That’s my body’s response to stress and grief. Emotionally I handle thing pretty well but the old immune system breaks. My throat felt like razor blades and I figured strep. This morning I was worse. On top of that, our people from Colorado were rolling in this afternoon! So I gave up and went to the clinic first thing to be sure I didn’t have flu or Covid or strep. All were negative but they are treating me for a sinus infection and that will hit strep too as my throat looked bad in spite of the test. The shot and meds have kicked in and I’m functional. Friends arrived and 2 unexpected who were checking on us after Frank’s death. I love her for that.
We fed them all and had great fun.
Thank you for all the support at the passing of our Frank yesterday. We miss our furry family member and emotional support dog ( not official but he was for me anyway) badly.
I learned so much from him , especially how to deal with grieving people. He was just always present. He didn’t care if I screamed or cried or just buried my face in his fur. He never told me things I already knew: They are in a better place…. You will see them again…. God has them now…. All true things said by well meaning people but not always helpful to hear. He never judged me. He just sat with me until I got it back together. And he never repeated a thing I told him. :—) I will strive to be more like him when I comfort hurting people. Dogs are very empathic, at least he was.
Thank you so much for your support. Love you my blip friends.
Be blessed.
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