Odd Days

By odddays

Bribery Has Its Place

The Boy was bribed into a short haircut today. I told him to think about what it would take and let me know. He suggested his own laptop. Um, no. Then he proposed an extra 30 minutes of screen time (video games) per day plus an ice cream cone after the haircut. I agreed so fast he was shocked. I almost never say no to ice cream and since his screen time is quite limited an extra 30 minutes was no big deal. Made the appointment immediately so he couldn't back out on our handshake deal. He's 13 so didn't want to make a huge big deal out of his hair. Certainly is one area he can express individuality in. But honestly, with the natural curl, he just looked shaggy all the time. It's been difficult to get a good picture of him. And he just doesn't look put together. So, I tried bribery. And it worked. And I love the new haircut. He hates it. Well, I tried. I told him if he doesn't like it, he can grow it out again. And his hair grows amazingly fast. It had been just two weeks since his last cut and it was already looking dire. He wouldn't let me post before and after pics so this is the best I could do. His hair is several steps lighter than it appeared on the floor.

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