
By JackyMT

Looking up into my Cherry Blossom Tree

It is full of blossom this year, It's also the view from my bedroom window.
which is more than I can say for one of my apple trees which is not doing too well this year at all very sparse of blossom. Maybe its a rest year I did get quite a lot from it last year

It's been a very pleasant day weather wise, mild and sunny with just a hint of rain.

Kirsty called with Paula's Birthday card and present, it's her birthday on  Tuesday. It will be Marks on Monday He was born the day before his dads birthday. 
So it was big natter time. Then after she had gone we watched the Womens 6 nations Rugby it was on iplayer. 

Then I didn't do much really pruned a Sambucus Nigre down a bit so it stays more bush like, pulled up a few weeds, took a few photo's, had tea then went for a shower. plus made out my shopping list for tomorrow. Plonked myself down and watched Midsommer Murders.

Another weekend gone bye, 

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