Red Eye
Walking on the edge of the field of billowing lush green barley wafting gently in the breeze, these tiny red eyes just popped out at me almost like they were on stalks! You really couldn't miss them! Little glowing beacons.
My insect books says the larvae of these root maggot flies are found in plant stems and roots while the adults feed on decaying plant material.
Having taken numerous shots very early this morning all a bit rubbish with very high ISO because of the really bad light conditions, I took the dogs and camera on an afternoon walk. Needed to get out but am still am still hobbling with my toe even after a week. Chasing butterflies really wasn't an option! At least this fly was still:))
As I'm typing this the woodpeckers from the other day have flown in and baby is still alive and kicking clamouring to be fed on the feeder - lovely to see. I'm a bit relieved to see them knowing now all is well!
Yoga tonight but not sure it is going to be very easy!
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