People Watching

It was market day again today so we went into town as there's always a great atmosphere, and I love to sit and people watch. We had a wander round the market and I bought a couple of things before stopping off at a cafe. I'd already planned my blip for today, as last Tuesday I took the same shot, but didn't use it and decided I'd go back and replicate it. So here you have the main market square taken from in front of the Church looking down to the cafe and the fountain where we sat.

While we were here last year my Aunty died, and we got the news that Dad had gone into hospital and was very poorly. I'm not a religious person, but at that time I went to the Church and lit a candle for both of them, and then stood outside with Alan and cried. So today I went back and lit another candle in remembrance of them both. I was alone and it was nice to take the time to look around the Church and to see it from a different perspective, whilst listening to the beautiful music that was playing.

The weather has been really strange today, as a heavy mist had fallen and was coming in from the sea which was quite eerie and meant we couldn't see very far - it also felt quite cool. Rachel, Scott & Scarlett went to the beach quite early this morning, so we stopped off to see them on the way into town. By the time we got there Scarlett was fast asleep in her beach tent and looked really cute, wrapped up in her beach towel. Luckily the mist lifted slightly and the sun came out, so she was able to have another paddle once she woke up.

Then this afternoon we all had lunch together at the apartment, and afterwards Rachel & Scarlett came out for a walk with us. Tonight Alan & I are babysitting while Rach & Scott go out for dinner - it's the first time they've had a night out together in a long time, so I hope they enjoy it.

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