
By ZE1Christie

Coorse Day for a Swan

Misty in the distance this morning, visibility didn't get much better. Overcast but cleared into a sunny afternoon.  Windy but calmer tonight. 

Up early, a few chores done then headed out walkies.  Popped along Madeline's, they are heading south tomorrow.  After lunch I met friend Julie for walkies.  Working in the shop this evening, the usual, busy.  Off to bed early.

It was a fair gale of wind today, looks like a windy weekend ahead too.  As we walked along the banks, we were surprised to see the Swan out on the sea.  As she motored west, up and down she went, actually looked quite sickly to watch, I can't imagine what it would be like on board.  It wasn't much further than this, when the turned, put the sails up and headed back to Scalloway.  The bow of the Swan LK243 rising out the Atlantic Ocean, taken from Atlaness, Hamnavoe, Burra. 

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