
By KCNQ2Haiku

Tree Fish

Fish out of water!
He scaled the tree and found the
finished view pleasing!

I always think the knots in this tree make it look like the profile of a fish!  It might just be me!  Today the brook was sunny!  Yay.  Still boggy and muddy but it was an improvement.  I even took off my coat!  
Ben has been a big handful, he was supposed to go with carers today and they were late and then he refused to go.  It took a lot of cajoling to get him moving so the 10am session actually didn't start until 10:50am.  I walked Leo and then made it through a list of jobs which made me feel a bit better.  I also talked to the social worker to see if she can help with making the carer sessions a bit better.  I don't think she can but at least she's in the loop.  
Ben has also been very obsessed with his lip balm today.  It's caused a massive hoo hah, you just can't predict what he'll become fixated on, sigh.
Right, I'm off to play the latest game of interest.. Organ Attack :-/

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