Luxurious sun!
Unexpected, gorgeous
walk up brook and hill.
Very poor first night’s sleep, feels a bit unfair, no-one’s fault, mainly diabetes kit failure, loud but incorrect beeping from Ben’s CGM which woke me and also Leo. He whimpered for a bit.. I was more stoic. I checked on him after 15 mins and he’d managed to shut the door to his crate so he couldn’t get into his bed! Silly dog. I pegged it open, he had a wee outside (it’s windy at night in the lakes, it turns out) and then we all tried to get back to sleep. Leo managed it but I was fretting about Ben’s bloods being low. I had moved the CGM as it was clearly malfunctioning, so that meant it wasn’t loud but I was operating without blood sugar info. I could have finger pricked him to get a proper reading but I was so sure it was all fine and the high risk of waking everyone up by waking Ben up didn’t seem worth it. But it kept me awake worrying if I’d made the right call. I woke him at 5:30am in the end to finger prick and of course, it was perfect, 5.1 if you’re interested! I gave him his iPad and managed an hour’s sleep before everyone started getting up. Mr KCNQ2Haiku let me go back to bed later which was very appreciated. The good news was that this morning was gloriously sunny. I was so pleased. It’s raining now but the fact that we were able to get out and do our thing earlier really has made the day (the trip, probably!) Mr KCNQ2Haiku went around the lakes and up hills on his bike and Ben, Leo and I went down brooks and up some hills near Threlkeld and it was so pretty, it was still muddy but we had a lovely time. Ben loves a stile and there were plenty, so that was a win! Popped into Penrith this afternoon and that’s about it. I’m almost certain we’ll sleep tonight :-/
Also.. Happy Birthday to MrKCNQ2Haiku’s Dad :-D
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