
By TonyG

Pleione formosana

A mostly terrestrial orchid that is found wild in SE China and N & C Taiwan, it's quite hardy in the UK if found a suitable niche.   They like a really open, free draining growing medium, medium small bark chips with sphagnum moss type of free draining!   A shady spot that never becomes waterlogged and avoids hard frosts is needed, so, yes a fussy plant outdoors but it can be done.  In a pot they do just fine if well shaded, mine live under the greenhouse bench most of the year, dried out in winter when they are dormant.  I started with one, this is the most flowers I have ever had.  Must be doing something right!

A quiet, slow day.  A little housework, laundry and a snooze at home this afternoon.  This morning I went along for part of the community session at pottery where it was good to catch up with folk and I got most of the glazing done on a little vase with a different type of carved pattern to usual.   Jamie offered to cook pizza for tea for me and his Grandma, so I picked Mum up and we went round to his flat, eating in the communal room where there is more room.  Delicious home-made pizza including a yeasted dough which made a perfect base.   As he's made salted caramel brownies yesterday, there was something tasty for afters too.  Yumm!

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