The Ski Gods are Angry

Well they would be 'Cos it's 11 degrees C and all that white stuff on the lower levels is going going gone.

Rain mostly stopped play this morning but The Boss didn't mind as it was prepping for the SeniorNet meeting on Thursday and in preparation for the annual photo competition The Boss is talking about photo editing in Windows and DPad.
Frankly it is a lot simpler on the pad as you don't have to deal with all those folders, albums and other stuff that oldies find complicated.

A great walk this avo as the rain stopped and we went to Waterfall creek and I chased/ got chased / chased/ got chased by a little Jack Russel. Boy that was fun and The Boss was distracted by clunking noises so didn't interfere at all. It ended quite bizarrely as there is a barge on the dry getting a paint job and as I headed down the lake away from the barge trailed by Jack, someone on the barge grabbed a megaphone and made barking noises into it and Jack stopped dead and ran back. I wonder what he said?

Sometimes the light is just everything and so it was today. We just had to shift these rocks into a more pleasing composition. Must remember to bring the Suzz recovery kit next time and some explosives.

Don't trip on the rocks

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