Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


Going walking going walking going walking with the "B" team this morning. Oh sorry it's -2 outside and there is an inversion fully up and running, so it is Acardia jacket, woolly hat and gloves, of off shore manufacture, for The Boss. My Friend A of acyclinggranny is coming along too and after a brief committee meeting A who is the leader this morning calls her shots and off we go to Cromwell the idea being to walk the lakeside from Lowburn to Old Cromwell town.
Did I mention that it was cold... Yeh well I think it was even a bit colder than home but off we went in the full knowledge that the reward would be coming later and it did as D told of a new Café on the way home which was filled to the brim with the local walking group when we got there. This walking thing is really tough but seems to me (and I am only a dog) to be mostly centred around good coffee places and while the "B" team members may not be all that great on track navigation BOY do they know their coffee shops.
The image...Well I should explain that The Boss had to take his imported gloves off to work the camera so YES it was.

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