Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Two pack walks to do today which meant I didn't get finished till 2pm. On the road to Shropshire by 2.15 but arrived during the only time the care home is closed to visitors whilst they have dinner :0( 

Mum seems to have settled ok. She's not a moaner so I don't think she'd say anything even if she hated it. The staff seem really lovely. Still feel ever so guilty though. I wish things could be different but they're not so we all just have to get on with it. Didn't get home till 9.15. Very late to be eating dinner. Need to speak with them to see if I can be there during meal times as I can't get there earlier than 3/3.30 which doesn't give me any time with her but visiting at 5 makes it a really late drive home for me. Weekends are just really difficult with the horses and pony club stuff and Toby's tennis/climbing etc. 

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