The Return of the Rainbow
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,
You may or may not remember Rainbow Moonflower, she was a tiny little silver tabby who was too scared to come inside.
For a few months there, she was a regular visitor in our garden who would instantly dart away if we made any attempt to say hello.
Unfortunately, her visits were cut short by annoying local neighbours who decided that she was a VICIOUS FERAL CAT. They had her captured and sent away.
Caro intervened to say, "I don't bloody think so" on the neighbourhood Facebook page. For a start, she was TINY, for another thing she was afraid of everyone.
In the end she got the update that the vet had confirmed she was a domestic cat and had been returned to her family. And we haven't seen her since then.
But tonight she came back! And it transpires that Crashy and Rainbow are best friends. They trilled to each other and did nosies.
"It was SOOOO cute!" said Caro.
We are hopeful that she will return again. We like the idea of Crashy having a girlfriend #silvertabbykittens.
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