
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 63/73
Main activity: Thurs - errands, pool, juicing
Notes: Woke early but back to sleep. Another weird dream but didn't seem to mean anything. Went out in the morning to bank, Food Patch and Aldi - got a bunch of stuff for juicing @ FP and mineral water and bin of kiwi from Aldi. Did about 45 min at the pool and then got to my juicing - was going to do in small batches but needs enough cleanup that I did all and froze 2/3 of it. Had that for lunch w/ sauerkraut and kale chips. Turned down a house/pet sit in SC coming up in 2.5 wks. Realized my money will run out in about 6-7 mo at best so bit of anxious evening - tried to write it out for bit. Streamed some shows but distracted. Ended up being awake until 11p. Woke then in the 1a hour and was awake for several hours, ended up getting up for a bit and opened the door and got the air moving (opened the door and turned a fan on) - had gone up to 73 b/c of the water distiller running. 

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