michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Fish No Match...For Down the Hatch

After a fishing boat unloads a boat full of herring, there are generally a lot of the small fish that get through the cracks, and one of the cracks is a walkway next to the building. The long-neckers (the herons and egrets) dip below the walkway and spear the fish. Then, they have to position it just right to swallow it.

This is of course the tail end of the process (no pun intended.) You can then watch the fish as it travels down the long neck. Not fun for the fish, but fun to watch.

In the extras is a black-crowned night heron that showed up for the party, and this is one of the 6 photos that I got of the shakedown.

Don't tell Lisa, but on the way off the dock. I picked up one of the herring and it is now in the freezer. I'm going to see if I can put paint on it and transfer it on to canvas.

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