Nice Vase

This was probably a fountain or similar when it was erected (whenever that was) but it makes a nice planter in the middle of the village of Ardersier.

It was Gala day in Ardersier ..... the smallest Gala day I have ever seen and the MC was so bad he was hysterical.

The Police Pipe Band opened the proceedings ................. am I the only one that thinks the police are getting younger and smaller?

They had some folk from the Sealed Knot to do a bit of sword play. I liked the helmets on the grass.

After taking some shots of a couple of vintage cars and this wee chap we headed along to Fort George which was our original objective.

During the 1980s there was a major redevelopment of the military quarters and upgrading of the buildings within the Fort. My Dad was the architect in charge. For this he received a letter of commendation from Prince Charles and it went a long way to explaining why he recieved the OBE for Services to Architecture.
I wanted to take some pictures of the place to see if it would stir any memories when I go in to visit him next.

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