Service awards
The KESR ran a special train this evening to recognise long service by volunteers. At 10 years I was small fry compared to those who had been volunteers for 50 years. Very pleasant to received the award, this is the first time volunteers have been recognised in this way.
A fish and chip supper was involved.
All in all, a very productive day. We were surprised to receive a phone call this morning from the minister conducting Doreen’s funeral. We thought on a Good Friday he would have been very busy! However, we had a very useful discussion with him over arrangements and order of service.
This afternoon while Susan and Barbara were looking through photos to include in a display David and I replaced a soft close toilet set that was no longer soft closing. It didn’t look promising at first but we managed the job remarkably quickly.
By then it was time to travel to Tenterden. The engine, No25 Northiam, built in 1953 is only slightly older than me and in just as good nick!
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