Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Memories of Ruth

Last week was the second anniversary of my friend Ruth's death. Today I saw this in Waitrose and it really made me think of her. She loved handbags and she particularly liked Lulu Guinness bags. I thought how much she'd enjoy it, and living near to a Waitrose branch as she did, I'm sure there would have been one in her flat by now.
Lent was always her favourite church season, as a lady who loved all things purple they seemed a partnership made in heaven. It seemed appropriate therefore that she died during Lent. There are moments, not just with Ruth, but with others who have died too, when something happens that brings them to mind suddenly and makes me catch my breath.
Today is also the anniversary of my stepmother's death so she and my dad have been on my mind too.
It's Maundy Thursday today, the day the church remembers the Last Supper and the institution of the Eucharist. I was in church this evening and on server duty.
It's a moving service at which the priest washes the feet of several members of the communion in memory of Jesus' actions in the upper room.
After the communion, the church is stripped of all decoration in preparation for the night vigil in the garden of Gethsemane. Only the candles are left out as people sit in silence.
The church is left bare tomorrow for the Good Friday service.

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