New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Fabulous fungus

I've been very glad that it's a short week this week.  It's been cold but after a rubbish weather day, it cleared up in the evening so I took myself off round the Kerse looking for signs of spring.  Spring wasn't much in evidence apart from a few sad daffodils, but I did find this fabulous fungus on the tree, scared a couple of dear and spotted a buzzard and a sparrowhawk who was flying along the burn.  Not a bad lot for a short walk.

We're hoping to find a new car to buy on Saturday, I've been dismayed at how expensive second hand cars are these days.  Found one that looks like a good deal over burgh way, so have taken a chance and reserved it to go check out Saturday morning.  Fingers crossed it's as good as it looks and we don't have to trawl around car dealerships all day.

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