River Walks with Friends

This morning I met my great friends M and D for a walk from Stony Stratford to Old Wolverton and back along the river. It was colder than yesterday, but sunny most of the time, then the rain came for the last 20 mins until we got to the pub for lunch. It rained heavily whilst we had a fab pub lunch (ham, egg and chips for me), and it had cleared up by the time we left. Just in time to meet up with my friends C,L, M and K for another river walk in the other direction. We used to work together at Abbey National and also used to go to the theatre regularly. After the walk we stopped in town for tea and cake (Easter cake for me). It was really lovely to catch up with everyone’s news and what’s going on it the world. So lucky that the rain was mostly over lunch. A great day, I really enjoyed it. 

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