
Many thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday, some of you guessed pretty closely ... the two strap connectors are for the controller for my birthday present to myself - a new camera - attached to a drone.

It arrived late this afternoon so by the time I had charged the batteries, registered it, connected the controller and drone together, and let it update it's firmware, darkness had arrived and I'll have to wait for a calm day to try it.   It is supposed to have some effective collision avoidance widgets* so hopefully the learning will not be too fraught.

There are plenty of good You Tube videos of how to get the idea of flying one,  and plenty too of how not to ....

*Kermit's eyes are the forward and slightly sideways sensors,  there are two more facing backward, just behind them, and another two on the underside.  There's also a downward facing LED light, with an IR sensor for landing, and a lot of software to keep it all coordinated.

It's probably a better photographer than I am too!

I scored 38/40 in the on-line multiple guess test for the flyer ID. Partly because I didn't think it was a good idea to fly over a motorway ...

While I was waiting for it to turn up I cleaned the bikes and ... Gill rode hers for the first time in ~12 months.  She returned smiling and happy!

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