Time Out

I took a day off from hospital visiting today as it was catching up on me and Bob was going to have plenty of visitors today.  We were rewarded with a lovely, sunny day so it was out in to the garden for me and to the allotment for Tony.  I did some tidying and cutting back in between hanging out the washing and we enjoyed sitting out on the patio for our lunch for the first time this year.

I had a good scout around the mini meadow and the rockery to see what was emerging and sat down against the shed to peer at the yellow rattle.  My blip is of the view from there and I took a bit of time out to listen to the day:

Plane soared overhead from Leeds Bradford
Two cyclists flew by on High Side, 'Alright mate?' drifted over the wall.
Neighbour Rick walked up the back to share a couple of cans with Mick in his garden pub
Jackdaws rode the updraft above my head
Wood pigeon perched on Taryn's eave.
Small birds chirped in the elder tree
Traffic passed through the village down below
A slight breeze rocked the tulips in the mini meadow
A neighbour strimmed their grass
Washing blew high in the sudden wind
White clouds floated by as far as the eye could see
A dry leaf tumbled across the patio
One small bee hovered around the hellebores
A car struggled to park.

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