Oh Deer, They Seem To Have Taken A Fence!*

Out on the bikes this afternoon and the deer at Sharpham Park Farm were charging about their enclosure and didn't seem keen to hang around to have their picture taken; there seem to have been a lot of births since we last saw the herd so perhaps they were just trying to wear the young ones out!

Wish I'd taken the camera to the pool this morning as one of the regulars was celebrating his 80th birthday by diving from the high board (he'd got special dispensation as it's normally off limits due to Health & Safety regs, of course) and showing everyone a splendid cake he'd been made in the shape of the pool with him relaxing on the poolside bench in his Speedos. We couldn't believe he could be 80 - he looks like a sprightly 70 year old at most! The benefits of regular swimming, obviously.

Get a better eye-deer in large*

* Apologies for the awful puns

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