View from my window

It's still snowing . The line of lights you can see is the main ski slope and jump. Not a very clear shot but this is looking toward the Calgary Olympic stadium now renamed winsport. It was built for the Calgary Winter Olympics 1988. We went there in 2010 to hail the arrival of the Flame on its way to Vancouver for that years games. Quite an emotional event as I remember. We had a free breakfast sitting outside in .4. The Canadians are made of strong stuff. We watched the game come down 3 times, on skie. On a snowboard and in a bobsleigh . Today it is used for leisure as well as competition and last night it seemed to be busy.
Christie is going to a funeral today in Edmonton I think . With the roads being bad it is quite worrying really . Hope she stays safe. She will come home tomorrow .
The exra is a daytime shot of the main one. Still not good as taken through an insect scree

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