
Generally I don't take many people pictures!
This morning I met fellow blipper "Nothing happens here" and the lovely Carol along with fellow hobbit blipper Mother Shipton. We had a good blether 0ver coffee in the Dull Gull and exchanged many's a good tale from all things blip to nautical & flying stories. thank you also Stuart for the two lovely books which chubby hubby & I are now fighting over!
Afternoon was spent with the hobbit & the dogs on a lovely walk through Crinan Wood. Day remained dull & grey so todays picture is an assortment of my motley friends & family.
Top left Fellow blipper Stuart & Carol, Middle top blipper pal Mother Shipton, top right Chubby hubby looking like a dodgy Russian!
Bottome left yours truley outside the BBC, Middle, chubby hubby , next chubby hubby hoola hooping & finally no1 son on the segway
Happy blippping all

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