
Have to head off to Obummer again to help with choir so trying to make quick dinner as chubby hubby would balk at having to eat another packet of cheesy pasta cause I'm too lazy to cook! So I am making real spag bol and for quickness i threw in a jar of Loyyd Grossman sauce only to realise when I read the bloody label the stuff has carrots! Well carrots are the food of the devil in my book and have to be expunged so there I was stood over the damn pan on the cooker picking out bloody bits of carrots & ladling them onto the lid when the phone rang. In my hast to answer it, did I no go and put the lid back on the pan with all the flaming carrots!. After call had to start all over again picking damn bits of rabbit food out my sauce! Who the Hell puts carrots in spag bol!! Not a happy bunny!

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