
By annabelrosewats

Blue Pumpkin

When we woke up on the sleeper bus to Siem Reap, the sun was rising and the view was incredible, unfortunately I don't have a picture as my phone is still broken. We arrived in at 6am and took a tuktuk to Prohm Roth the hostel we are staying in. The others slept whilst I had a shower and went into town to find a Internet cafe. I printed off my flights and chatted to Emily for a bit. There were masses of protesters on there mopeds shouting and chanting on the road. The only way back was walking back past them and I got pushed down by a few of them, luckily I am bigger than them so I used my big water bottle and pushed them out the way and ran. We found a place to fix my phone but he told me he couldn't do it and showed me a place on the map that could do it. So we grabbed something to eat before getting in our 'batmobile' tuktuk to get to the shop. I was a little worried as it was one of the shops that sold all the small fake phones and behind the 'desk' was a man cleaning phones with an old dirty toothbrush and there was bits of metal everywhere! Anyway, he took the battery out of my phone and changed it with a new one and it worked!!! He then sent someone on a motorbike to go and buy one. The tuktuk man was my translator! It was fixed, I was so happy! We then went back by the little book shop and got the book that Katie had found earlier. We got back to hostel and I then went out with Annie to Blue pumpkin and she got something to eat. I ate all her leftovers! We got back in time to start watching silverstone for Annie. I then went out with Katie for her to get something to eat, I was so full as Annie's plate of food was huge. We then wondered around town and went to all the little markets!

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