
I was in two minds about whether to go into the office today, but I went – I am in that routine now.  There were quite a few colleagues in again, which was good.  One colleague is off, as he is really struggling with a few issues, and I had a chat with a colleague who has been off unwell, and is now caring for her elderly parents who are also unwell – her mother having been taken into hospital on Monday.  I tried to persuade her to log off, but I think she needed something to take her mind off things.  I did make sure she logged off early though.  She’s had a really rough time over the past eyar, and things don’t seem to be easing up for her.
I just plodded my through a few pieces of work-  so at least I felt like I had achieved something by the end of the day.  I bumped into another colleague on my way to get my bus this evening – he gets it too.  We both had to run for it, as we saw it coming along the road.  It was early.  We had a good blether on the way home.
TT was out with chums this evening, so BB and I were left to our own devices.  We had curry for tea – which went down well – though there wasn’t enough for BB.  He was supposed to be working on a project later, and I popped out for a few steps.  Later, I collapsed on the sofa, but couldn’t settle to watch anything on TV, so I just went to bed.
There were lots of lovely hellebores in Princes Street Gardens.

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