Evening Sky

A very busy day in the office.  I ended up picking some stuff up, as a colleague was off.  I hardly lifted my head all day. 
I did manage a quick twenty minute wander at lunchtime – it was damp, so another route via the undercover St James centre, then a circuit around by St Andrews Square and back to the office.
I had managed to sort out a physio appointment for BB – and when I called him to ask how he got on – he asked me to call back later!!!  Charming!!!!  I got some information when I got home this evening.  Apparently two muscles are damaged.  He has exercises to do, another appointment in two weeks and is not allowed to do any sport – not that he is able to do anything.
I cobbled tea together from whatever I could find in the fridge.  It wouldn’t have gone down well on MasterChef – but the boys were happy enough!
My friend G became a grandmother today – baby Noah was born.
This was my view as I walked to my bus stop this evening.

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