Sole Blip

I apologise for my lack of commenting at the moment but life has just chucked a couple of things at us which are time consuming and exhausting, hence this blip taken in desperation on the bus going to the hospital to see Brother Bob.  Thank you for your concern, he is on the mend from some aspects of whatever it is that felled him, but has now contracted Covid, so it was mask and distance last night.

On another front, Tony went out for a run whilst I was preparing dinner prior to catching the bus, and was bitten by a dog which left him bleeding from a puncture wound.  The local pharmacy and the health centre already being closed he rang 111 to find out if he needed to go for a tetanus jab and they said they would ring back.  Whilst he was sitting by the phone, I headed out in to the night, planning to board the 08.26 back home after visiting Bob.  Emerging from the hospital in to the beginnings of a hailstorm I discovered the 08.26 no longer existed so decided to walk up through the estate to the taxi place.  Hailstorm deepening I arrived to find the taxi place all shut up, of course it is Ramadan and folks would be breaking their fast.   An increasingly desperate call to Tony and he came out to collect me.

111 rang back at 4.45am causing us both to sit bolt upright in bed thinking something was wrong with one of the girls.  As I'm blearily heading for the phone in the dark I remembered Jenny was asleep upstairs, so was it the Oxford Family?  No it was a cheery doctor wanting to speak to Tony about his dogbite.  The advice was to go to A and E for a tetanus jab, something with hindsight he should probably have done in the first place.  We had just got back in to bed and were beginning to doze when the phone rang again - could we give some feedback on the service given by 111!

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