Made in Dagenham

I felt quite weary and sore this morning so after I’d made soup for lunch and a curry for this evening I sat down and knitted my Shetland coat.

In the afternoon I walked the 2 miles round trip to the GP surgery for my annual review. The nurse I saw had driven an hour to fill in for a staff shortage. There was nobody in the waiting room before I went in and again none on the way out. I had bloods done and BP which was 133/70 - good for me. She did my height and pronounced that I was 5’7”. Not many people my age grow an inch in a year - I had my shoes on so I’ll still be 5’6” - at least I’ve not shrunk yet.

This evening Carol picked me up to drive us to the Alnwick Amateur Musical Group at the theatre. I got the tickets for us a while back as friend Lynne had a big part in Made in Dagenham. It was a very slick production with fabulous singing and acting. Lynne sang unaccompanied and was so good. The performances were full of energy and passion. Although musicals are just not my thing and I found the small orchestra just too loud, I was so impressed. They were as good as many professionals.

Thank you for your kind comments yesterday. I had thought of a walk tomorrow but I’m not sure I’m up for more yomping through heather just yet.

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