Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Two lips!

Today has been a full on childcare day, well this afternoon at any rate.
I picked up the girls at lunchtime and brought them back here to eat their lunch before driving Isobel to her two hours of dancing lessons. On our way we drove through the most ferocious hail storm, the sky behind us was quite black. As we emerged into sunshine Isobel reckoned we had moved into the eye of the storm. Children's knowledge at the age of seven astounds me at times. Having worked out of mainstream education for almost 30 years it's only since having the grandchildren that I've caught up a bit.
Back home I had some lunch then drove Eilidh to pick up Isobel then onwards to her own two hours of dancing. These girls are very fit.
When I got home I was very relieved to find an email excusing me from jury service. We booked a holiday last weekend and then the very next day I had a letter calling me for the week before in the high court. The latter meaning that there was a risk of an extended trial. I sent off my request to be excused but have been on edge all week in case it was turned down. The jury service letter pre-dated the date of our holiday booking and I was worried they might suggest I had had the letter before making the booking.
I know it would have been very unreasonable for that to happen, but that doesn't stop me worrying! All is now good though and I can relax over that. I was called this time last year, so I'm obviously on the list. That time I was due to go to court the week of my dental surgery, so I was excused then too. What's the betting it'll be the same time next year too.
I watched Rick Stein in India tonight in Madurai and Cochin, that's my India. It was quite fascinating, those are the kind of meals and drinks I'm used to rather than the more Western ones.
Today's blip shows the first of my tulips coming into flower. I can't remember the name of the red, but the yellow is called Elise I think. Both are miniatures. No sign as yet of my Blushing Lady daffodils.

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