Let's try again?

      Got half done - accidentally touched "something" - photo vanished, Spiel vanished - kanyl CURSED! Start again. Sodde's Law
      According to the immutable Sodde's Law - "If it CAN go wrong it will" my own "Big" Camera decided to play sillibegars thusly:-
      ALL my SD Cards were deemed "Write protected" irrespective of switching - OR - "No card in Camera".
      Fortunately the Jerra/Clickychick household has more resident cameras than residents and I was loaned one in time toaccompany them "down-country" for a week aboard "Solace" on the canal.
      Due partly 1st day "things" plus a mild degree of both reticence and new-fangeldness I didn't manage much, shot-wise beyond this "Caltha palustris, known as marsh-marigold and kingcup, is a small to medium size perennial herbaceous plant of the buttercup family, native to marshes, fens, ditches and wet woodland in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere."
      We had, for years a "Caltha Palustris Flore Pleno", which, eventually both reverted and, finally, disappeared.

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