
I had planned to go on a sketching expedition this morning. I had my hot breakfast (made at home) and a flask of tea with me. All good so far. Went to the docks. Half way through my hot breakfast and drinking some tea, I noticed a dark car coming into the car park, there were loads of cars in the car park, but he was carefully choosing a space and he tucked himself away into the corner (a he or she, the windows were tinted at the front as well).

I had alarm bells a bit in my head, so I shut my car door, and locked the car. I finished my breakfast and had another cup of tea, but I wouldn't have minded leaving my car door open because it was sunny, but it was very windy. The person did not get out of their car and I kept an eye on it. I had intended getting out of the car and doing a bit of sketching of the river, but once I don't feel safe in a situation I abandon my plans.

At that moment, a man on a bicycle (there were loads of cyclists coming and going, but they were genuine cyclists if you get me) came into the car park. He cycled around every car, peering into the windows. He didn't come near my car because it was obvious I was sitting in it. And then, as he cycled out of the car park, the dark car with tinted windows started driving after him. It was obvious the cyclist had separate escape routes and I have no idea of the outcome....

I came home and I was very tired so I went back to bed to go to sleep and I have been sleeping all day. I didn't sleep properly last night so I did need to sleep. I feel like I have wasted a day because it's been sunny and I should've been in the garden or I should've done something else. What I should've done was not even go out this morning. ...

Now, to see what I can salvage from today…

And top it all , I have had a text to say that the 'post office' have a package for me, and this is not addressed properly, and that they need me to click this link to give them the correct address. Really??? But the thing is I am expecting a package between today and Monday. I know the sender of my package and my package will be addressed 100% properly. And he never puts my phone number on the outside of the package. And according to the tracking, my package is actually at Post Office now. I am obviously assuming this is a scam. How did they time these things so well. I've never had a text message like this ever before. And I receive letters and postcards most days, so my address is pretty well known to the sorting Post Office here. And even if an address is damaged they figure out it's me and I get the item in a plastic bag with an apology and sometimes I wonder how I get some of my items because there's not enough of a recognisable address, because the item has got damaged in transit either from machinery, or someone has actually torn the stamps off the envelope or the postcard. I collect interesting stamps and so do the people who I send my postcards and envelopes to, and they get the same damaged things at times. Unfortunately, it is a risk.

But it is my hobby and other peoples' hobby...

Wildlife nighttime camera.
Foxes & Cats & Badgers

Creative...alas no sketch today, but before I shut the car door in the car park, I did manage to photograph three dandelions on the ground so that is my creative for today...

The cat is asleep on top of me, he doesn't think I should get up now... do I listen to him or not?

A cup of tea first, I think from my bottomless flask.

I am definitely staying in for the next few days, no trips planned until midweek or later....

Have a good of whatever is left of the rest of your day...

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