
I was out yesterday where there were people. I meant to do some sketches but forgot.

Came home and wondered how I'd forgot.
I still have an iPad one and an iPad two. I keep all my old devices charged up. They still have some drawing/painting apps on which could never be updated to the later iOS software, so that's why I like them and keep them going. I have recently changed my password. I consequently got locked out of both. iPad one refused to play ball. ipad two, after jumping through a pile of hoops, I managed to get it to accept my new password after having to prove my identity, 1 million times over.... The drawing I did this morning is from a sketching app on the iPad two. I just happen to like it because it was one of my first sketching apps. I am a bit out of practice sketching on it at the moment, and this is just a bit of lighthearted fun...and so that is my creative this morning...

iPad one, I wiped it clean of everything. Then surprise suprprise it invited me to set up the iPad again. Could I reinstall everything? I don't have time at the moment with having to tidy up before my daughter arrives. But I did have a load of music on it which someone sent me, a couple years, after I'd had my cochlear Implant, which I used to play through a speaker, and I still have that speaker. The last time the iPad one was backed up was December 23, so that will be still in the Apple cloud. I assume that music was backed up as well. Anyway, when I have time, I am going to see what I can do with it, and I have also found out that I can jailbreak it to do something else with it, might be worth a play and a practice??? Nothing to lose there! Otherwise I was going to use the black screen of the iPad one as an acrylic painting palette...

This will be an April project...

Nighttime Wildlife camera.
Fox & Badger
32 secs

Time for brekkies...

And a nap...I have been awake since 3 am...

Have your best day..

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