
By Lizimagiz

The Track

I have not ventured up on the Wither Hills for a couple of weeks. Long dog walk have replaced the hill treks of late. So today was the day for a hill walk.
It was a beautiful clear frosty morning and dark when I set out. By the time I reached this part of the track the winter sun was well and casting a golden light on the hillside.
It has been very wet up there on the hills. The recent heavy rains had filled the three fords on the lower route. I was glad of my Muckboots as they saved me from using the rather unstable stepping stones. I slipped off one of those stones in the half-light last time I walked that way and then spent the remainder of the walk with one soaking wet boot and trouser leg.
We are past the shortest day now and gradually we will see the sun rising earlier in the morning. There is a saying "As the days get longer the cold gets stronger". I don't know that saying relates to the northern hemisphere but it certainly holds true here in New Zealand.

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