Not a poem

I was going to do a poetry blip for World Poetry Day, but then I am short of time and i thought this was more amusing. 

We had been for lunch at Larch Cottage and were returning home when we came upon what we thought was yet another set of traffic lights. We had already encountered several earlier. ***

As the vehicles in front and the vehicles at the other side were turning round (with difficulty) we realised that there was a tree in the way. We suspect that the massive farm vehicle, ‘full of grass’ as Gordon would say, and around which we had had to manoeuvre just before, had knocked the branch as it went past. 

The road workers in the vehicles further on were taking no notice, but then I suppose it was not in their remit to move obstructions that had nothing to do with them. 

A queue was forming behind us and I took this photo as Gordon made the difficult turn around in this narrow road. 

*** There seems to be a decided effort to repair potholes at the moment. Gordon sent in a list, with precise locations, of some around us and they came and dealt with them - and sent him an email saying that they had done so. He is now preparing another list! 

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