She just stayed

So rarely do I get the chance to blip a dog pic but I had to share this photo from our daughter and record the story of Hazel.

Our daughter and family have always had dogs and for the last few years they have had two - Sasha and Happy. Sadly, after a serious illness, they lost Sasha a month or so ago. She was a lovely dog, well loved by everyone. Much missed.

Happy is a rescue greyhound, very much part of the family. He and Sasha got on well but it was more an acceptance of each other’s presence than anything else. However, after Sasha was gone, Happy was not settled at night and started waking everyone up. The people at the greyhound centre said that, when greyhounds are racing, they are always kennelled in pairs so Happy had never in his life spent a night alone.

The family took up the offer of the loan of another greyhound (Hazel) for a few days. It worked, Happy was much more settled.

Problem is that the family took to Hazel and Hazel took to them. Hazel needed a home, Happy needed a companion. So . . . ‘she just stayed’ says Clair.

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