Lovely chimneys in the sun…

This morning we went to see some friends for coffee at their house…she has been in hospital a lot recently so good to see her back home. 

This afternoon I went out for a bike ride as it was sunny. It’s ages since I’ve been out due to the rainy weather and it seemed like hard work! Lots of the towpaths are still wet and the Thames is still higher than usual.

It was lovely to see Hampton Court in the sun. I never tire of seeing all the amazing chimneys when I cycle past. I also noticed that some of the tulips are already flowering, earlier than expected.
In Bushy Park and Home Park I was looking to see if I could see any swans nests. I looked in the usual places but the little ‘islands’ they have nested on before are partially submerged. I did see lots of pairs of Egyptian Geese and Canada Geese.

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