Afternoon walk in the rain down Dance Lane

I’ve noticed how much better I’ve felt when I’m outside and after feeding the birds I got my very muddy boots on and waterproof jacket and set out down the road.  I don’t think i’ve ever created a grid of this part of the village before.  The road is Dance Lane and the farm is Danes Lane so I guess somewhere along the way one of these names became modified. I ought gpto get out the 19c maps and see what they tell us.  I’m really pleased that i had the walk and feel so much better than I did earlier.  I didn’t go to Tai Chi or Pilates this morning.  I was saying to myself that all I wanted was to feel more normal and now I do - well a bit more normal.  The Tesco Delivery man has just brought my order and unloaded it into the kitchen workspace and I’m sure he did it quicker than I could.  My plan for yesterday was to shop in Tesco after I’d seen the nurse and I just wasn’t up to it. 

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