Spring - Acer leaves emerging

I usually take a record shot of this acer coming into leaf so I can compare seasons.  The colour is at its most intense when it first emerges.

I’m beginning to lose track of my medical saga.  I had a nurse appointment yesterday morning at 9am and the world around the three schools I passed was mad.  I’d decided that the medication that they’d given me was making me ill (I’d been totally out of it type previous day) and that I wasn’t taking it anymore.  The nurse did an ECG which was normal and managed to squeeze some blood from my vein (never easy) so I await the next appointment which are phone appointments in another two weeks + time.  Meanwhile …

I did finish my first draft of my contribution to the March edition of Showcase, the price for agreeing to share a few images with the group and I booked a Tesco delivery.  I was going to shop in Tesco when I came out if the doctors but my head was too shaky.  I was ok in the car, though extra careful, and I think that’s because my head was still unlike when I walk and it’s moving all of the time.  I’ve also been wondering if the tinted windscreen helps.

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