
This is a big double ladder the previous owners left us - on its way to becoming two bed side tables, thanks to Tim's handiwork.  He had a nice surprise when sanding it - it seems to be redwood. 

We had another mid-century sideboard delivered today - for our dining room.  It's lovely!  We're not so sure about the legs though - don't think they're original and they're a bit tall and spindly - so Tim has ordered some replacements. 

I took a break from work this afternoon for a doctor's appointment - just getting a prescription and getting a couple of moles checked out.  All good.  That was the first time I'd been there for an appointment - it's a lovely surgery and the doctor was super lovely too.  Yet another former Londoner - we both agreed on how lovely our new home town is!

On the way home, I helped carry a woman's shopping from her gate to her front door (she had a lot of bags and it looked a bit of a struggle).  Integrating myself into the local community, innit ;)

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