Where's Wally??

Has anybody
seen my dog?  He's small and black.
Answers on postcard..

I don’t really have much time, it’s late as we were let down by the new social worker tonight.  Sigh.  We spoke yesterday and she said she understood Ben’s needs and that he couldn’t deal with people being late.  Fast forward to today, Ben waited anxiously and when the time slot she gave expired he was getting more and more angry, chasing me around, shouting and hitting and pinching.  When I got through to her she said, ‘Oh, that visit isn’t today, I have it written down here as.. oh.. yes it is today..”  Well, yes.  It was today.  How frustrating.  Ben calmed down and she popped in for a quick hello, during which he was charming and at the end shook her hand and said, “pleasure to meet you.”  Have I mentioned it’s frustrating.  She was very sorry but I’m not sure anyone really understands the impact of what we are handling.  
Anyway, that was just a footnote.. as today has been New Car Day!  I was very brave and grown up and did all the second hand car dealership transactions myself and now we have a new (to us) Bright Red Car sat on the drive.  I’m very happy with it but it did stress me out! And all the buttons are in a different place, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon :-D
Ben is thrilled with it, so fetching him from school was fun!
That’s about it.  Did I mention Ben was up at 4am again??  I’m not sure quite how we’re still standing! 
Photo is a Where's Wally of Leo and the Magnolia, it's shedding its petals now :-( but it's still absolutely stunning!

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