EB : What’s left

Another successful day, albeit propped up with painkillers.  I woke feeling under par - as happened last weekend - and took a minor tumble up some steps when out with Meg at 8am.  Afterwards I dozed back in bed for a couple of hours.   We arrived in Wickham Bishops in time for Meg to have a little walk before everyone else turned up.  A  big hall and a very well attended meeting.  It’s rare that the clubs I talk to get upwards of eighty members present The talk was well received and sales of cards and pottery afterwards were pleasing.   I have sold about a third of the pieces - as good as I could have hoped for.

In welcome late afternoon sunshine I drove up to the outskirts of Norwich where I am staying with old friends. I unpacked the pots to show them and am leaving one that they both liked as a thank you.

Sunshine tomorrow for a day catching up with old friends.

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