More Daffodils

These are little tete a tete blooms from one of two pots of indoor daffodils I bought from the plant nursery, there must be about a dozen flowers in each pot. Lots of rain was forecast all day, so a planned walk was cancelled. It actually didn't turn out to be as bad, only 2.8mm of rain, and some sun late afternoon. I probably wouldn't have walked anyway with my stomach bug. Instead I sowed my tomato, sweet pepper and cucumber seeds for growing indoors. I have random success growing from seed, no idea what I do differently when they grow or don't grow. Having seen the W1A sketch on Comic Relief, I decided to watch it all again from the beginning on iPlayer, starting with the fabulous Twenty Twelve (the same team). It's often a bit too close for comfort for those of us that have worked in very large organisations!

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