Rugby with Nathaniel

We had a lovely evening with Nathaniel. We played “Who knows Where?” which is a board game with categories of questions a bit like Trivial Pursuit but you have to put your marker in the correct grid square of the world map to move forward. And he won.

We didn’t wake till 8 so it was a rush to get to Alnwick for rugby at 10. I was surprised by how much the boys had improved in the year since I last watched. He plays for Northern and they beat both Nova and Alnwick. He played well - some of those Alnwick boys had obviously been eating a lot of pies - Nathaniel is hoping that one of these days he’ll shoot up in height. I didn’t manage to get photos of his tries but here you have a couple of others. He’s the wee one with long hair and red sleeves running on the left photo and he’s trying to tackle the big lad in the other.

His pals Rhodie and Dougie play for Nova and it was arranged their mum would take him home with them which was nice as it saved us a 60 mile round trip. Their dad is a coach so they have lots of equipment in their garden so he’s expecting more rugby there.

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